Monday 1 November 2010

Costume, Location and Lighting

Costume, location and lighting are all fundamental to the final front cover image. A music magazine has a similar style that appears to be universal throughout the mainstream media world of music magazines.

I have been particular in my choices to ensure that my front cover image is individual but follows the conventions of a music magazine.

Costume: My talent is supposed to be from an indie style band and his clothing reflects this. He is wearing a hoodie, coat and t-shirt which is casual wear and is perfect for the overall feel of my magazine.

Location: It didn't matter where i took this cover photo because i knew that i wanted either a plain black or white backdrop. I decided on a black backdrop. When analysing current magazines such as NME and Q, the majority of cover talents were shot against a plain background to ensure that the subject themselves is the main feature of the magazine and this is the effect i have gone for with my front cover. It gives it a fresh and contemporary feel.

Lighting: To ensure i shot an extremely detailed photo there had to be almost no natural lighting and relied entierly on the flash from the camera. Natural lighting affects the detail of the facial features because it drowns out the colour.

I have edited my front cover but only slightly, changing the colour of the photo and photoshopping some of the facial features blemishes and imperfections but i did not want to use any overly unnatural editing and airbrushed. I did not want my talent to appear 'fake' because it doesnt appeal as much to a target audience, makes the subject appear more 'down to earth'.

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