Monday 22 November 2010

Style of Writing in a Music Magazine

The style of writing in a music magazine is colloquial. The majority of people that read a music magazine are of a younger audience, late teens to early twenties, and therefore the type of language reflects this age group. Although magazines purely based around the theme of music tend to have specific genres; rock, indie etc they tend to not use technical jargon or complex structures. Magazines tend to be light-hearted and easy to read, nobody wants to read a complicated magazine.

Example of the type of writing in a music magazine:

'Hello Madonna. Its our seven year anniversary. The last interview we did together for this magazine was in March 2001, of all things. We've spoken since, but our last on-the-record conversation for Interview was before the whole world changed.'

Unlike Jane Austen novels, nobody speaks one-hundred percent of the time in a Recieved Pronunciation, Standard English form.

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