Monday 1 November 2010

Magazine Front Cover Mock Up

This is the initial mock up of the front cover of my magazine.
I have included a title in the font called 'levis brush' from I like the effect of this font, it is artistic and looks like it has been painted. I have used the same font for all the lettering on my magazine cover apart from the band name in which i used the font that the band uses on their CD covers and other media etc.
I have included a bar code, price and a magazine website but have put it small in the bottom right hand corner of the cover, i did not want the details to overpower the cover and most magazines of any genre tend to make this information relatively small.
I could possibly do with making the font size of the title and the other text a bit bigger so that at an initial glance the buyer is able to see what the magazine context is alongside the large image which obviously shows the main subject or the 'interviewed artist' of the magazine.

1 comment:

  1. This is looking good Rose. I love your tag line! Compare the size of your font to your real mag covers - is it a little small? I even think that your title could be bigger/wider; play around with it now that you have the basis.
