Friday 19 November 2010

Proposal for double page spread article

I want to create a double page spread that embodies the theme of my music magazine, it will probably be about the talent that I have used on the front cover of my magazine to ensure some continuity. Music magazines feature a lot of interviews and rarely is a band featured without some contribution from the band themselves in the form of interviewing, so this is what I will probably include within my magazine double page spread.
There are various different ways that an interview can be 'written up', it can be published as it was said, with questions and answers or the journalist can write it up as a collective text and just include quotations from the interviewee.
I will compliment the interview text with images so that the double page spread doesn't appear boring. The kind of questions that I want to ask the talent will be obscure and eclectic because the magazine I have created is quite alternative. I want the questions to be 'different', the kind of questions that you would not usually expect to see in a magazine but they will still go alongside the theme of my music magazine. The questions can alternate between simple questions, facts that the fans would like to know such as 'Tea or Coffee?' and more complex interview style questions that publicise the band such as 'Is there a theme to your new album?' or 'What was it like filming you video for _______?'

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