Sunday 7 November 2010

Wolf Contents Page Mock Up

This is the initial mock up of my contents page, I have used the same model on the cover on the contents page to create a sense of continuity. I have used the same font on the title for the inside of the magazine but I have used courier for the contents page details. The image I have used I have placed slightly off centre so that I could use the black backdrop as the backdrop for my text, it has made it a lot clearer and easy to read. This photo was created using the same technique as the cover shot but I have not edited the colour contrast or brightness, I have left the photo how it was when it was taken because I was already happy with the colour and detail of the facial features.
To ensure the affect of a proper magazine I think I will have to put more text onto this page, at the moment it feels a bit empty. I am happy with how my magazine is coming together so far because it has turned out relatively professional.


  1. Love the naturalism and unposed feel you've achieved here. This is redolent of the 'real' texts you are basing your work on. Keep it up!

  2. I told you! Your work has that gritty, almost fanzine feel to it, and it works really well with your chosen genre. Explain how you created this - what program did you work in, did you experince any problems and if so, how did you overcome them?
