Monday 22 November 2010

Double Page Spread Style Model

This is a double page spread from 'Interview' Magazine, it is an interview between Madonna and Ingrid Sischy.
It has several features that make it successful both as a double spread in a magazine as well as an interview. Obviously the journalist has had the chance to talk with a world famous artist but the way in which the interview has been produced allows the reader to feel involved in the production. There is a real sense of informality and colloquialism within this interview, this is clear from the off when both subjects start with 'Hi, Ingrid' and 'Hello, Madonna'. The reader can clearly see the connection between these two people and i like the informality of the interview, unlike some magazines, it makes it appear more accessible for the reader.
The magazine set up and layout is simplistic which i like, a complex layout can confuse the reader and make them less likely to be interested in reading about the subject. A large image on the left hand side juxtaposes with the page of text, it means the reader is not overpowered with writing. The name of the artist is in bold, blue lettering, it automatically captures the readers attention, they are not forced to read further into the article to discover what the subject is. The tag line of the interview is also in blue but in a much smaller font, the blue contrasts against the white of the background allowing it to clearly stand out on the page.
The interview itself is in a conversational format:

Ingrid: Tell us more about the film
Madonna: There were so many ways it could have turned out.

I like the way that the text is in bold for one person and is normal for the other, it allows the reader to easily differentiate between the two making it much simpler to read. The interview itself is set out almost similar to a play script, a script should be easy to read at a glance and this magazine clearly has a grasp on the ratio of complexity and simplicity.

I like this double page spread, i think that the simplicity would be something similar that i would use in my magazine. I also like the script format because it makes for very easy reading. A magazine is not expected to be a complex piece of reading, it should be light-hearted and fun. If you want to read 'War and Peace' you can but a magazine is not supposed to be difficult to understand.


  1. Do you by any chance know where I can get images of other double page spreads of the same magazine? I need it for a university report. Please could you let me know. Than you.

    1. There isn't any I've tried looking as I need some for a college report because I'm doing Media and it is essential that I find them
