Monday 22 November 2010

Double Page Spread Style Model

This is an interview from 'Dazed and Confused' magazine. It is an interview with a 'new', unknown pop-punk band called Ariel Pink by Caroline Ryder. The layout of this magazine is unconventional, it appears to be 'all over the place'. It still remains to have a formal layout in the form of a newspaper style format, it uses skinny columns and black and white font and imagery to maintain this appearance. This magazine interview lacks the friendship between the journalist and the subject but still has the informality seen in the interview with 'Madonna'.
I like the way that this interview has been written. The initial paragraph in the first column introduces the artist and tells the reader some of the history of the band. It pressumes that you don't have any prior knowledge of the band and doesn't 'keep you in the dark'. The questions are a mixture of informal irrelevent subjects such as 'do you like blondes?' and more serious questions that relate to the career of the artist 'so, where is music going in your opinion?'. It has that mixture of questions that i hope to portray in my own double page spread.
The image seems to be precariously placed with no real thought. On the one hand it is in keeping with the quirky awkwardness that is the style of Dazed and Confused but on the other hand the image appears slightly messy and the text surrounding has no continuity with the image, the page does not flow as a whole.
I love the style of writing of the journalist, she has the right mix between a formal and informal interview. She asks the quirky and interesting questions alongside the more pressing and important questions that relate to the publicising of the band. I am not keen on the overall format of this double page spread. I think it appears messy and doesn't entice the reader, it is far too clinical for a magazine.

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