Saturday 16 October 2010

Results from Questionnaire: Target Audience Research

After conducting my music magazine questionnaire, i discovered some quite unusual and useful results.
I was surprised that my research uncovered that the majority of people do not read music magazines and those that do only rarely buy them.
In answer to my first question 'which of the following magazines do you read?' the majority chose option G - none of the above, the reason being that the specific information that they need they can find on the internet and a lot of non-music specific magazines sometimes include music information. Other people said that magazines for a certain genre, be it alternative or soul etc, use specific terminology and are a little 'hard' to read and understand.
Question 3 stated 'what genre of music do you listen to?' and i found this interesting becauses the results were so varied, some singluar people stated several genres as their preferred choice of music. This proved that the majority of people are interested in a variety of music and like to mix and match, listening to something 'a bit different'.
Question 4 and 5 were the most important of this questionnaire investigation because it allowed me to see what my target audience wanted from a music magazine, again these results varied proving that the majority want a variety from their magazine. When asked what they would like from a new music magazine a lot of people answered 'something different', music magazines although about different genres are all very similar in their context and i want to ensure that my magazine provides my target audience with something unique and fresh.
It is always difficult to conduct market research because people don't have the time to fill out questionnaires. I only received a small proportion of responses in comparison to the quantity i sent out but it was enough to come to a conclusion as to what my target audience want from a music magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Good research Rose. Reflect on how easy or hard it was to do this research and how many replied. Comment what else you could have done if you were part of the mag industry. You now need to research the conventions of a double page spread and what your article could be about. I would definitely use the image on the front as part of the article.
