Monday 18 October 2010

Front Cover: Chosen Image

I have decided to use this image for the front cover of my music magazine, i think this is a great image and i am really pleased with the way that it has come out.
It is an upper body shot taken with an SLR camera on a slow shutter speed. The pictures above are exactly the same but i have been messing around with the contrast and brightness on photoshop and i am not sure yet which colour i am going to use in my final product. I am not going to airbrush the face because i wanted a photo that shows the blemishes and dimples of a normal person, it means that the audience find it easier to relate to the subject used. I think this image epitomises exactly what i wanted my magazine to be like, the image is quirky and alternative and the boy photographed will have an interview inside my magazine as a band member of an indie group. My survey showed that the majority of people want a music magazine to be different and interesting, I want my magazine to appeal to this audience and to contain photography on fashion and art isnpired by music culture as well as all the normal cliche music magazine features such as interviews and top 20's.

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