Monday 6 December 2010

Genre: Webzine

'I Like Music' is a Southampton based music magazine/webzine. It was set up in 2001 by a group of young people that are interested in music.

It is an extremely professionally set up site and has a lot of features that I would use in a published magazine. The benefits of making a 'webzine' is that you have an endless catalogue of information, the internet can hold the ultimate 'back catalogue' whereas a magazine is limited to a certain number of pages.

'I Like Music', unlike some magazines limited to say 70 pages, it has the opportunity to cover a variety of different genres of music: Pop, Hiphop, Rock, Dance, Indie and Urban. The website still maintains a theme depending on the genre, the section I am specifically interested in is the 'indie' link. The magazine has articles that are created for that specific audience, 'Indie Playlist of the Week' (including links that can direct the reader towards said playlist), 'The Week in Indie' or 'Latest Indie News'.

For a magazine that was set up by a group of young people, it has managed to become an established site for magazine information. Although the interviews are not with A-listed stars they show an establishment with some well-known bands and artists such as the 'White Lies' and 'Eliza Doolittle'.

This webzine shows a variety of different aspects and concepts that could be incorporated into my own music magazine.