Sunday 27 June 2010

Magazine Name and Font

I had to decide on a suitable name and font for a school/college magazine.
Initially, it was difficult to come up with a suitable name: ideas such as 'Prep', 'Varsity', till eventually I decided upon 'Prefect' because it personified the idea of an authorative and a successful student within a school environment. It related to the market of this magazine, successful and intelligent A-Level students.
The font I chose is called Varsity Regular and is from It was a suitable choice as it represents the font used in American Highschool's on school sports clothing and pep-rally signs.

School Magazine Front Cover Imagery

I needed to make sure that I took photographs that were suitable for a school magazine and adhered to the project brief. The brief said that the magazine cover should feature a student in a medium close-up shot which already whittled down the images I took to a select few.
After deliberation, I chose to use the second image on the top row of this post. It showed a close up of the models face and shows her holding folders like a typical student. The background is of a green field and trees which creates an idyllistic image.

I think that the image chosen fits the brief of the cover of a school/college magazine as it shows a perfect image of student life.

Thursday 24 June 2010

Visit from Gorezone

Recently, our media class recieved a visit from Andrew McQuade, in charge of PR/Marketing at Gorezone Magazine, the worlds number one selling horror magazine.

As my coursework task, i am producing a magazine and it was really interesting to hear from an expert how a professional, best selling magazine is produced.

I learnt the arduous process from initial idea to final printing and the huge costings involved in making a magazine successful.

Andrew also explained how different people with various areas of expertise are involved in producing a magazine, Gorezone has journalists and correspondents all over the world that produce the contents of Gorezone.

It was beneficial to talk to someone who actually had experience with being involved with the production of a successful magazine. It has given me some insight into how to go about planning and producing my own magazine.

Friday 18 June 2010

Preliminary Coursework Task

The centre provided us with numerous briefs, being able to choose from a print, video, audio or website task. I decided to pick the brief that adhered most to my personal interests. Print gives me the opportunity to see each stage of producing a magazine, which is ideal for the career I wish to pursue.

The preliminary exercise is the production of the front page and contents page of a new school/college magazine, featuring original photography, text and a masthead. The aim of this task is to prepare for our main task, producing a music magazine.

I am yet to decide on how I will go about producing a school magazine, so initially, my main focus is finalising my ideas and thoughts.